Setting up lockchannel

Kettu's lock channel command allows you to lock a channel in a moment's notice! To achieve this Kettu revokes Send Messages, Send Messages in Threads, Create Public Threads, Create Private Threads, and connect permissions from the provided channel.

Lets break that down

Kettu handles channels differently based on what channel type it is, e.g. text, category, voice channel ect. The lock channel also has the nsfw and hide options. The nsfw option marks the channel as nsfw and the hide option revokes ViewChannel permissions effectively hiding the channel from users. Useful for locking a channel to report content to Discord!

Down below is a list of all the ways it handles channels

To make sure Kettu lockchannel is effective make sure no normal user has any of the listed perms above as a channel override. Make sure however that your staff team, Kettu and any other bots or users you want have these perms set as an override so they can continue speaking normally during a lock down.

How to test

To test lock channel simple lock a channel down and then go to server settings -> roles right click on the @everyone role and hit View Server As Role.

View Server As Role

From this view you can also add or remove other roles users might have to check they function as expected.

Select Roles Option

Other things to note

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